Reach Functional Fitness

Obstacle Course Racing, Strength & Conditioning
Taylor Haney

OCR Elite Training is a go-to program for those who already have a high level of fitness, but want to spice up their training and maximize their time in the gym.

Unlike most high-level OCR training, this program does not skimp on the strength training.  This program spends less time on obstacle specific training, but does have two dedicated sessions for race specific training over the course of the program. The program has significant strength training volume. The typical week has 3 strength training days, a dedicated trail run, an obstacle course session or hill work, and an interval running day.

Program Specs:
Skill Level – Intermediate to advanced. No Olympic Lifting experience required.

Equipment Needed - Barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, pulley system, medicine/wall ball, sandbag, wall ball, Air Bike, rowing machine, treadmill, pull-up/climbing rig, buckets.

Focus – Obstacle Course Racing, Strength and Conditioning  

Training Days per Week – 6
Program Length - 6

Excerpt from Day 2 Intervals and Functional Movement:

400m x6 with 90 seconds rest @1-mile PR pace

*5 Unique KB Movements*

Except from Day 10 Muscular Endurance Circuits and HIIT:

5 Rounds:

Back Squat x10

Lateral Lunge x10/leg

Push-Up x10

DB Hammer Curl x10/per arm 

Pendlay Row x10

*Rest 10 seconds between exercises and 10 seconds between rounds. 60-65% 1RM or 6-6.5 RPE.


10 Rounds:

Back Squat x5

Lateral Lunge x5/leg

Push-Up x5

DB Hammer Curl x5/per arm 

Pendlay Row x5

*Rest 5 seconds between exercises and 5 seconds between rounds. 70-75% 1RM or 7-7.5 RPE.  Take note of the weights you use and write them down in your session notes.

6 sessions per week
Must use App app to view and log training
Program Training
sample week banner image
Sample Week
Week 1 of 6-week program
Team Reach OCR Elite Program: High Intensity Strength Supersets



Reach Warmup

Complete one set of every movement: 1) Alternating Lunge and Twist x10/per leg 2) PVC Passthroughs x10 3) DB 3-Angle Shoulder Rotation x15/per arm 4) DB Alternating Arnold Press x15 With Bands 5) Ys and Ts x20 each 6) Rows x 20 7) Chest Press x20 On Turf 8) High Knees x20m 9) Carioca x20m/both ways 10) Side Shuffle x20m/both ways


Back Squat

3 x 15


DB Reverse Lunge

3 x 15


Double KB Clean & Jerk

3 x 15


Barbell Row

3 x 15


Farmer's Carry

3 x 50


Calf Raise

3 x 30


Russian KB Swing

3 x 15


Single Arm KB Thruster

3 x 15


Med Ball Sit-Up

3 x 15


Russian Twist

3 x 15



1 x 5:00



Reach Cooldown

Perform 2 sets of 30 seconds of each stretch: 1) Modified Pigeon 2) Kneeling Lunge 3) Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch 4) Extended Lizard 5) Fragon 6) Thread the Needle 7) PVC to Box Lat & Pec Stretch 8) Couch Stretch *Stretch any additional muscles, as needed.

Team Reach OCR Elite Program: Intervals and Functional Movement



Reach Warmup

Complete one set of every movement: 1) Alternating Lunge and Twist x10/per leg 2) PVC Passthroughs x10 3) DB 3-Angle Shoulder Rotation x15/per arm 4) DB Alternating Arnold Press x15 With Bands 5) Ys and Ts x20 each 6) Rows x 20 7) Chest Press x20 On Turf 8) High Knees x20m 9) Carioca x20m/both ways 10) Side Shuffle x20m/both ways


Xebex Runner

6 x 400



Locomotion Workout 1

5 Rounds: Lateral Walking KB Russian Swing x25yds reverse half way Goblet KB Walking Lunge x25yds Crawl to KB Pull x10yds forward -> 10yds backwards Walking Single Leg KB RDL x25yds Dragon Crawl x25yds *Rest 30 seconds. Ideally, you can use the same size KB throughout.



Reach Cooldown

Perform 2 sets of 30 seconds of each stretch: 1) Modified Pigeon 2) Kneeling Lunge 3) Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch 4) Extended Lizard 5) Fragon 6) Thread the Needle 7) PVC to Box Lat & Pec Stretch 8) Couch Stretch *Stretch any additional muscles, as needed.

Team Reach OCR Elite Program: Muscular Endurance Circuits and HIIT



Reach Warmup

Complete one set of every movement: 1) Alternating Lunge and Twist x10/per leg 2) PVC Passthroughs x10 3) DB 3-Angle Shoulder Rotation x15/per arm 4) DB Alternating Arnold Press x15 With Bands 5) Ys and Ts x20 each 6) Rows x 20 7) Chest Press x20 On Turf 8) High Knees x20m 9) Carioca x20m/both ways 10) Side Shuffle x20m/both ways



Muscular Endurance Circuit #1

5 Rounds: Bench Press x10 Floor Seated DB Shoulder Press x10 DB Reverse Lunge x10/leg DB Romanian Deadlift x10 Chin-Ups x10 *Rest 10 seconds between exercises and 10 seconds between rounds. 60-65% 1RM or 6-6.5 RPE. REST 3 MINUTES 10 Rounds: Bench Press x5 Floor Seated DB Shoulder Press x5 DB Reverse Lunge x5/leg DB Romanian Deadlift x5 Chin-Ups x5 *Rest 5 seconds between exercises and 5 seconds between rounds. 70-75% 1RM or 7-7.5 RPE. Take note of the weights you use and write them down in your session notes.

Air Bike HIIT


15 Minutes: 30 Seconds Fast Pace 30 Seconds Slow Pace



Reach Cooldown

Perform 2 sets of 30 seconds of each stretch: 1) Modified Pigeon 2) Kneeling Lunge 3) Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch 4) Extended Lizard 5) Fragon 6) Thread the Needle 7) PVC to Box Lat & Pec Stretch 8) Couch Stretch *Stretch any additional muscles, as needed.

Team Reach OCR Elite Program: Trail Run


Trail Run Dynamic Stretch


30 Minute Trail Run(Note your distance)

1 x 30:00



Post Run Stretch

Hold each pose for 20 seconds, take a short break, then hold 30 seconds. Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch Kneeling Hamstring Stretch Calf Stretch Modified Pigeon Thread Needle Stretch

Team Reach OCR Elite Program - Strength, Accessory, and Metcon 



Reach Warmup

Complete one set of every movement: 1) Alternating Lunge and Twist x10/per leg 2) PVC Passthroughs x10 3) DB 3-Angle Shoulder Rotation x15/per arm 4) DB Alternating Arnold Press x15 With Bands 5) Ys and Ts x20 each 6) Rows x 20 7) Chest Press x20 On Turf 8) High Knees x20m 9) Carioca x20m/both ways 10) Side Shuffle x20m/both ways


Reverse Grip DB Incline Press

3 x 10


Half Kneeling Single Arm Landmine Press

3 x 12


KB Goblet Bulgarian Split Squat

3 x 15


EZ Bar Curl

3 x 10


KB Tricep Extension

3 x 10

SAM Metcon 1


4 Rounds For Time: Sled Push x25yds - moderate weight 10 Chin-Ups 10 Split Jumps *Record time.



Reach Cooldown

Perform 2 sets of 30 seconds of each stretch: 1) Modified Pigeon 2) Kneeling Lunge 3) Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch 4) Extended Lizard 5) Fragon 6) Thread the Needle 7) PVC to Box Lat & Pec Stretch 8) Couch Stretch *Stretch any additional muscles, as needed.

Team Reach OCR Elite Program: Obstacle Work



Reach Warmup

Complete one set of every movement: 1) Alternating Lunge and Twist x10/per leg 2) PVC Passthroughs x10 3) DB 3-Angle Shoulder Rotation x15/per arm 4) DB Alternating Arnold Press x15 With Bands 5) Ys and Ts x20 each 6) Rows x 20 7) Chest Press x20 On Turf 8) High Knees x20m 9) Carioca x20m/both ways 10) Side Shuffle x20m/both ways

Obstacle Circuit #1


5 Rounds for Time: 200m Run Monkey Rings Intermediate or Alternating Grip Dead Hang x20seconds 100m Bucket Carry 2 Hercules Hoist or 2 Rope Climbs 200m Sandbag Carry Rope Traverse of 1 Rope Climb 200m Run Monkey Bars Intermediate or Alternating Grip Head Hang x20seconds *Record Time. Write down this workout on a whiteboard and set it up so you can reference it. Make any adjustments to the exercises that you need to.



Reach Cooldown

Perform 2 sets of 30 seconds of each stretch: 1) Modified Pigeon 2) Kneeling Lunge 3) Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch 4) Extended Lizard 5) Fragon 6) Thread the Needle 7) PVC to Box Lat & Pec Stretch 8) Couch Stretch *Stretch any additional muscles, as needed.

Team Reach OCR Elite Training