Reach Functional Fitness

Strength & Conditioning, Endurance, Obstacle Course Racing
Taylor Haney

More often than not, runners and cyclists neglect purposeful strength training. But why? It seems most endurance athletes solely focus on the modality of their respective sport and worry that ancillary training will hurt their performance. They couldn't be more wrong. 

It also seems many of these athletes don't know what to do when it comes to practical strength training. We've got these athletes covered with our Enhanced Strength for Endurance Athletes series. 

This program gives you 2 full-body strength training days per week - with a focus around deadlift, push/press, and squat. We go beyond just simple strength training. We program proper warm-ups and accessory exercises that will take your overall strength, stability, balance, and confidence to another level. This program comes with 8 unique sessions that could be repeated over several months. 

Program Specs:
Skill Level - Intermediate. No Olympic Lifting experience required.

Focus -  Strength and Conditioning

Training Days per Week - 2
Program Length - 4, but can be repeated if desired. 

Excerpt from Session #3:

Back Squat 3x5

OH KB Carry and Single Arm Farmer’s Carry 4x50yds


Half Kneeling Single Arm Chest Press 2x12

Half Kneeling Single Arm Cable Row 2x12

2 sessions per week
Must use App app to view and log training
Program Training
​BarbellDumbbellsKettlebellsResistance BandsAir BikeRowerPulley SystemMedicine Ball/Slam Ball 
sample week banner image
Sample Week
Week 1 of 4-week program
ESEA S1 Session #1 Deadlift Focus



1 x 1000 @ 6

Hinge Lunge Pull Mobility


Complete 2 Rounds of the Following: Banded Pull Through x15 Reverse Lunge x5/per leg Bent Over Barbell Only Row x10 Romanian Deadlift Barbell Only x5 Banded Pass Through x10 *Minimal to no rest between rounds.


Bird Dog

2 x 8


Med Ball Overhead Sit-Up

2 x 15



3 x 5


Sled March

4 x 25


Single Arm OH KB Bulgarian Split Squat

2 x 12

Push Pull Hinge AMRAP


As Many Rounds as Possible in 5 Minutes: LEVEL ONE Push-Ups x5 Pull-Ups x3 Russian KB Swing x10 As Many Rounds as Possible in 8 Minutes: LEVEL TWO Push-Ups x10 Pull-Ups x5 Russian KB Swing x10 As Many Rounds as Possible in 10 Minutes: LEVEL TWO Push-Ups x12 Pull-Ups x10 Russian KB Swing x15 *Go as heavy as possible with good form on the KB Swings. Rest only as needed. Record number of rounds and make a note in you session notes on which level you performed and the weight of the KB. If you cannot do more than 8 strict pull-ups at one time, you can do a band assisted pull-up.

Post Workout Stretching Circuit


Perform 2 Rounds of Each Exercise for 30 Seconds Each: Modified Pigeon Thread Needle Calf Stretch Half Kneeling Hamstring Child's Pose Modified Lat Banded Pec

ESEA S1 Session #2 Push Focus 


Air Bike

1 x 30 @ 6

Push Pull Balance Core


Complete 2 Rounds of the Following: Standing Arnold Press x10/per arm @5-15lbs Bent Over DB Row x10 @5-15lbs DB Single Leg Romanian Deadlift x5/leg @5-15lbs TRX FLR x20seconds Band Pull Apart x10 *Minimal to no rest between rounds.


Overhead Walking Barbell Lunges

2 x 25


Russian Twist

2 x 15


Shoulder Press

3 x 5


Seated Row

3 x 12


KB Tempo Goblet Squat

3 x 8


TRX Pistol Squat

2 x 10

Post Workout Stretching Circuit


Perform 2 Rounds of Each Exercise for 30 Seconds Each: Prone Shoulder Thread Needle Modified Pigeon Half Kneeling Hamstring Modified Lat

Enhanced Strength for Endurance Athletes Series 1