Nordic Training Kompany

CrossFit Nordic

This is Nordic Weightlifting's standard program. The basic purpose of the program is, obviously, to get your weightlifting numbers up, but a big difference compared to standard weightlifting programs is the focus on longevity with life quality.

So how do we reach that goal using the program?  We don’t just train bilateral movements like squats, pulls and presses, we also train with unilateral and rotational movements.  We do some aerobic training 2-3 times a week, and it’s healthy to have muscles so we also incorporate hypertrophy work to build some muscle. 

This program is meant for you with some weightlifting experience, where you are familiar with and can perform the full lifts, but want to improve your lifting and get stronger. 

Training is planned on mondays, wednesdays, thursdays and saturdays, mobility on tuesdays, fridays (summer running/intervals) and sundays.

The program has been proven to be effective since 2016 under the guidance of our head coach David Englund Grass. We have, as an active weightlifting club, claimed many national and international gold medals and podium finishes.

7 sessions per week
Must use App app to view and log training
Team Training
Injury Free Olympic Lifts
There is usually not much variation in olympic lifting programs, because the lifts look like they do. Because all the strain in bilateral movements overload, injuries is a common thing in weightlifting. In Nordic weightlifting program we mix up the volume with a lot of unilateral and rotational movements so we can get stronger and at the same time minimize risk of too much overload and injury.
Cardiovascular Health
Everybody needs to keep their cardiovascular system in shape. In Nordic Weightlifting Program we don't just train to get our lifts up, we train to stay healthy so that we can train our weightlifting not just for 5-10 years. But for 20, 30, 40 years!
Building Muscle
Building muscle also means preventing injuries but it also adds longevity to training and our body's function. Adding overall muscle mass will keep you healthier in the long run.
Programming 4 days per week
Programming 4-5 times a week for improvement of your olympic lifts and overall performance
Delivered through TrainHeroic
Easily accessible through the app.
sample week banner image
Sample Week
I will write fresh programming weekly. You’ll get notifications when they’re ready
Nordic - Weightlifting: 2022-07-10

E2:30M 10min


A1 10/10 Calf Raises A2 10 Leg Swings A3 100m Sprint 60-70%

E6M 30min 800m Sprint 80-90%


Faster pace than your 2000m run

Nordic - Weightlifting: 2022-07-11

E3M 12min 4 Snatch 70-80%


E3M 12min 1 Jerk Behind The Neck +4 Jerk/Close Grip OHS


Build up to a heavy four over 4 set, start at 80% of Jerk

E3M 15min


C1 8 Snatch RDL 100% C2 8 Inclined Bench Press 21X1 , same weight as two weeks ago

E3M 12min


D1 10/10 Sidebends in Sideplank D2 10/10 Landmine One Leg RDL

Nordic - Weightlifting: 2022-07-12

30min mobility


Nordic - Weightlifting: 2022-07-13

OTM 10min 1 Clean and Jerk 80-95%


E3M 18min


B1 2 Clean Pulls on a 5cm riser 31X0 100% Hold the eccentric phase on each pull, keep your chest high on your way up, do not let your hip raise first. B2 10 Dumbbell Lateral Raises 1011 then immediately 6 Strict Press 20X1 60% of strict press

AMRAP 20min


10m Walking Front Rack Lunge 60% of clean 10 Pendlay Rows 60% of clean 10 Atlasball over shoulder 25-30kg/30-50kg 10 Pushups, do not do them on your knees, raise your hands if necessary, keep your elbows out to target your triceps 10 Toes To Bar, strict or kipping

Nordic - Weightlifting: 2022-07-14

E3M 15min 3 Low Hang Power Snatch 70-80%


OTM 20min


Min 1 5 Back Squat 20X1 80%+5 tng Push Press 80% of PP Min 2 5-10 Strict Supinated Pullups 20X0 Min 3 och 4 Rest

E3M 12min


C1 12 Back Extensions 2011 Barbell on your shoulders , heavier than last week C2 12 Super Strict Dumbbell Curl 2110 feel the contraction in your biceps the whole set , same dumbbells as last week C3 12 Standing OH Bird Dog with dumbbells , palms forward, pause 3 seconds on each leg, same dumbbells as in the curls

Nordic - Weightlifting: 2022-07-15

30min mobility



E3M 12min 3 Clean+1 Jerk 80-90%


OTM 15min


Min 1 2 Pause Front Squat 22X1 75%+10 UB Heavy Wallballs 9kg/13kg 3m Min 2 2-8 BTN Pullups 20X0, use rubber band if you need to Min 3 Rest

OTM 20min


Minute 1 24 Renegade Rows , hold your hip tight and still Minute 2 10/12 cal Echobike Minute 3 50m Really Heavy Farmers Walk 16-24kgx2 /20-40kgx2 , keep your shoulderblades together and chest up Minute 4 10/12 cal Echobike

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Nordic - Weightlifting
Nordic - Weightlifting
Nordic - Weightlifting
Nordic - Weightlifting