Head Down Eyes Forward - Competitors

Mattie Rogers

Mattie Rogers

I created Head Down Eyes Forward - Competitor to give you access to training that will take you from simply training for weightlifting, to setting PRs and pushing for a place on the podium.

You'll get access to the training that propelled me to become an Olympian and the training will line up with Nationals + other major events so you can peak properly.

This program is not for the faint of heart.

You'll be expected to put the time, sweat, and effort in.

You'll get stronger than you've ever been. You'll hit numbers that you never could.

Beyond the training, you'll have access to our community.

If you sign up today, your first 7 days are free!

**This cycle leads up to Nationals week with a peak and a taper written with the final two weeks as "X DAYS OUT FROM COMPETITION DAY" so it can be adjusted per your exact competition date or just worked through in order for those who are not competing. Those not competing in Nationals can do the MOCK MEET day with written warm up attempts and guidelines on opener and further attempts. A more aggressive cycle that gets into heavier work quickly and includes a "guided fun" back off week after competition/mock meet week! **

Master the Olympic Lifts
We'll work tirelessly on perfecting the Snatch and Clean & Jerk as you work to master the Olympic Lifts. You'll get access to the movements and drills that have helped me set world records and represent the USA in the Olympics too!
Get Strong AF
Don't get it twisted, you're going to get strong if you train with our team. We will leverage tried and true strength and conditioning principles, thoughtfully progressing our training over time, so that you get stronger. Put in the work- see the results.
Compete to be YOUR best
This ain't for everybody but it is for ANYBODY who is willing to put in the work, both in your training and outside of it. My commitment to you is to deliver programming and coaching that will push you past where you've been able to go on your own.
I wrote everything in this program. So you can rest assured this isn't some random template.
Programming 4 days per week
4 days of warmup/prep work, Oly lifting, Assistance work, and Mobility.
Movement Demos
I've filmed each movement in the programming to eliminate any of the guesswork.
Detailed, expert instruction
Beyond the sets and reps, I'll give you all of the details you need to know exactly what I'm looking for in each day's training with movement videos.
A Real Team
The days of you training solo in your garage might not be over, but you're no longer training alone. You'll have hundreds of teammates rooting you on.
Delivered through TrainHeroic
I've partnered with the best tech in training so that you get the online training experience that you deserve. Track your progress along the way!
Barbell + Plates // Dumbbells + Kettlebells
Weightlifting Gym // Bench, Plyo Box, Bands, Blocks
sample week banner image
Sample Week
I will write fresh programming weekly. You’ll get notifications when they’re ready
Day 1

Warm Up


3 rounds: 5 tempo goblet squat, 5 sec hold in the bottom of each 20-30 sec hang from pull up bar (can use straps) 8 hovering bird dogs (total) 5 quadruped hip CARs


3 Stop Snatch Pull + Dip Snatch Pause In Receiving + Snatch Pause In Receiving

3 x 3 @ 50, 55, 60 %


Snatch Pause in Receiving

3, 3, 3, 2, 2 @ 65, 69, 72, 75, 78 %


Clean Pull to Hip PAUSE + Clean Pull + 2 Cleans + 1 Jerk

5 x 5 @ 68, 72, 75, 78, 80 %


Deficit Clean Deadlifts

3 x 5 @ 83 %


Front Squat

6, 6, 6, 6, MAX @ 65, 65, 70, 70, 60 %



3 sets of: 4-6 Strict pull up (use bands if needed) 30s Double KB overhead carry 15/each Banded face pulls 10 Sit-ups with plate overhead

Day 2

Warm Up


3 rounds: 5 Tempo Goblet Squat, 5 sec hold in bottom of each 20-30 sec Hang from Pull Up Bar (can use straps) 8 Hovering Bird Dog (total) 5 Quadruped Hip CARs


2 PAUSE IN DIP Power Position Power Snatch + 1 Power Snatch

3 x 3


2 Power Snatch + 2 Snatch Balance

5 x 4 @ 60, 63, 66, 70, 73 %


Power Clean + Floating Power Clean + Power Clean + Power Jerk

4 x 4 @ 60, 63, 66, 70 %


Behind Neck Jerk Pause in Split

3, 3, 3, 2, 2 @ 60, 63, 66, 70, 72 %



3 sets of each: 10 Banded Sissy Squats 10 each side Front Foot Elevated Split Squat (DB in each hand) 15 Goblet Cyclist Squats 15 each side Single Leg Banded Leg Extension 20 seconds each side Unilateral Farmers Carry

Day 3

Warm Up


3 rounds: 5 Tempo Goblet Squat, 5 sec hold in bottom of each 20-30 sec Hang from Pull Up Bar (can use straps) 8 Hovering Bird Dog (total) 5 Quadruped Hip CARs


2 Mid Hang Snatch (or Mid Block Snatch) + 2 OHS

5 x 4 @ 65, 69, 72, 75, 78 %


1 Clean + 2 Front Squat + 1 Jerk

4 x 4 @ 65, 69, 72, 75 %


1 Deficit Clean Pull + 2 Floating Clean Pull + 1 Clean Pull + 6 second eccentric on last

3 x 4 @ 85 %


2 Pause Back Squat + 3 Back Squat

4 x 5 @ 70, 70, 75, 75 %


Strict Press in Split

4 x 5



3 sets of: 8-10 Strict toes to bar or Knee lifts as high as possible 10 Side Plank Hip Dips 10-15 seconds Side Plank Star Holds 10 Back extensions + weight 20-30 seconds Weighted Hollow Hold

Day 4

Warm Up


3 rounds: 5 Tempo Goblet Squat, 5 sec hold in bottom of each 20-30 sec Hang from Pull Up Bar (can use straps) 8 Hovering Bird Dog (total) 5 Quadruped Hip CARs



3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1 @ 70, 73, 77, 72, 76, 80, 84, 87 %


1 Clean + 1 Jerk

4, 4, 4, 2, 2 @ 70, 74, 78, 82, 85 %


1 Clean Pull + 2 Floating Clean Pull + 1 Clean Pull

3 x 4 @ 85 %


Front Squat

3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1 @ 80, 80, 80, 85, 90, 90 %


Snatch Push Press

4 x 5



3 sets of each: 8-10 each side Hammer Curls 15 Banded Tri Extensions 10-30 sec. Handstand Hold Against Wall *push into floor 30 sec. Weighted Plank 8-10 each side Banded Elbow Supported Shoulder External Rotations

coach-avatar Mattie Rogers

Team USA Weightlifting (69/71kg)🇺🇸 You must sacrifice yourself in order to achieve greatness. BS in Sport & Exercise Science/Kinesiology 2020 Pan American Champion 2021 Olympian 87kg

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Head Down Eyes Forward - Competitors
Head Down Eyes Forward - Competitors
Head Down Eyes Forward - Competitors
Head Down Eyes Forward - Competitors