Effective Fitness Training

Functional Fitness, Weightlifting, Olympic Lifting, Triathlon, Marathon
Effective Fitness

I wanted to break down this 10 week knee program for you, and give you an idea of the progressions you will find throughout this program. 

This program targets crossfitters who are getting it in and working hard in the gym throughout the week. This 10 week program is designed to supplement your workouts, and start building healthy, stable and resilient knees. 

I know what its like to have knee pain when you are squatting heavy, doing a lot of jumping, or during periods of increased volume. Taking 15-20 minutes three days a week to focus on your knees - before or after your wod - can make a HUGE difference! If you are ready to push your limits without the pain, its time to execute this program.

Weeks 1-3 focus on mobility. There is a lot of loaded mobility, using some weight and positioning to improve general movement in the musculature that surrounds your knee joint.

Weeks 4-6 focus on stability. We want to make sure our knees are able to maintain good positions under load and fatigue. These drills and exercises are the start to learning good positioning and movement patterns.  They will also help to develop strength in these new positions.

Weeks 7-8 begin to combine mobility and stability with some higher level exercises. This is where the challenge begins!

Weeks. 9 and 10 are all about agility, speed and control. If we want to perform at a higher level, we have to rehab at a higher level.

Keep in mind, the first few weeks are simple and the exercises progress as you go. In order to see the results, we have to stick to the plan. Keep the end goal in mind: healthy, strong, pain free knees. Get after it!

3 sessions per week
Must use App app to view and log training
Program Training
sample week banner image
Sample Week
Week 1 of 10-week program
Knee WODshop: Week 1 Day 1



1 x 5:00



3 x 20


PVC forward rock lunge

2 x 12


Lateral step down

3 x 8


Tempo rig walk up/down squat

1 x 20

Knee WODshop: Week 1 Day 3



1 x 5:00


Bottom of the squat hold

5 x 0:30


Bilateral short arc quad

5 x 0:30


Couch Stretch (Hip Flexors)

3 x 0:45

Knee WODshop: Week 1 Day 5


Bulgarian Split Squat

3 x 8


Cossack Lunge

3 x 8


Prone straight leg+ bent knee hip extension combo

3 x 8


Hero Stretch

1 x 2:00

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We are a team of Police Officers, Strength & Conditioning Coaches, Defensive Tactics Experts and Physical Therapists working together to achieve one goal: Making more effective Police Officers.

Knee Strong